Your Health Your WealthYour one stop shop for health devices
VGSolutions levert een aantal belangrijke toestellen om je gezondheid op een natuurlijke manier te boosten.
VGSolutions is officiëel verdeler van de KENKO-DÔME
VG Solutions
Your Health – Your Wealth
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“The advice provided by VGSolutions is expressly not intended to form the basis of regular medical treatment or function as a replacement for the advice provided by your general practitioner or a medical specialist, nor is it intended to form the basis of treatment by a dietician or to replace the advice provided by a dietician. The advice provided by VGSolutions is limited to general guidelines pertaining to a happier, better and healthier lifestyle. In the event of acute health problems and/or a worsening of symptoms of ill healthy, please urgently contact the relevant doctor or medical specialist that is treating you. For more information, please see the disclaimer.”
VGSolutions is officiëel verdeler van de KENKO-DÔME – All rights reserved ©